Sensing Spaces of Healthcare Exhibition

I led the curation of the Sensing Spaces of Healthcare Exhibition. The exhibition showed at University College London, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Link Gallery, April 2023 – July 2023, and at Maternity Department, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust, August 2023 – January 2024. The project was delivered in collaboration with Fresh Arts, North Bristol NHS Trust and GOSH Arts, Great Ormond Street Hospital. Artworks by Rosa Nguyen, Gawain Hewitt, Jonathan Van Beek and Rebecka Fleetwood-Smith. The project was funded by Dr Victoria Bates/ UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship MR/S033793/1. Exhibition consultant Sofie Layton. Photographs by Dan Weill photography.

You can watch a short film about the making of the exhibition here.

Sensing Spaces of Healthcare at University College London, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Link Gallery, London.

Sensing Spaces of Healthcare at Maternity Department, North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital, Bristol.